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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  September 3, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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good morning everybody. new this morning, a powerful bombing attack on a car on a u.s. government vehicle in pakistan killing at least two people. police say they were pakistani bystanders. 19 others were hurt including two americans. this happened in northwest pakistan after the u.s. embassy vehicle was leaving the u.s. consulate. it's the main sanctuary for taliban and al qaeda. militants in pakistan. >> following a story out of southern california. thousands of people forced to change their labor day plans because of a fast-moving wild fire. the so-called williams fire began yesterday afternoon in the san gabriel mountains near a camp ground. as many as 12,000 campers, hikers and picnickers have had to evacuate so far. this morning the fire has grown to about five square miles. a huge cloud of smoke can be seen from many parts of the
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basin. no reports of injury or damage. >> fighting back against violence the goal for a peace march being held in san jose this morning trying to unite the community. bob redell is live with more on this march and the message participants hope to send. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon. this is a march for peace organized by people who live in this part of east san jose. and this is in response to the recent spike in violence within the city limits. the march will begin at this safeway store at story and white road. this location is different because this is a scene of the city's 31st murder. just under two weeks ago a 27-year-old man attacked a man in this store. the other man a few years younger. this was in one of the aisles. he stabbed him in the chest, ended up killing him. that was the eighth time someone was murdered in the city over an 11-day period. >> just want to get everyone together and say we're fed up
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and support our youth, let them know that we care about them, we care about their future, we care about each other as a community and that we can bring peace to san jose. >> reporter: this peace march will begin at 11:00 this morning, start at this safeway store on story and lake and end up at lake cunningham. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> two fires, no answers. this morning investigators were trying to find out why two homes went up in flames in concord over the weekend. it happened yesterday morning. the fire started at one home, then spread to the next before crews arrived on the scene. one thing investigators will look into is whether a brown-out ot a fire house delayed response time. the two families are homeless. the red cross is helping. >> 5:02. a 23-year-old man is dead after an officer-involved shooting in vallejo about 4:30 yesterday
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morning. officers spotted two men sitting in a car on pepper drive near highway 37 an area known for gang activity. police say the driver got out of the car, reached for what he thought was handgun. officers opened fire. they say the suspect wouldn't surrender and then reached toward the center of the car. officers fires several more shots. that driver died at the scene. his passenger was also hit. this morning he is recovering at the hospital and police searched the car and found an air gun and 50 pills. both officers have been placed on administrative leave. >> outrage in a bay area community. vandals hit a memorial that honors the lives and homes lost in the 1991 oakland hills fire again. christie smith is live in oakland with a look at what's being done to track these people down. >> reporter: good morning. you know, this is actually the third time that vandals hit this memorial despite pretty obvious
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signs like this one in front, and then if steve can pan over, signs that make it pretty clear they have security cameras in place. despite that, you can see someone cut five metal bars off. sometime overnight saturday or early sunday. this is a fire storm memorial garden sculpture near highway 13 which represents burned trees and regrowth after the 1991 fire storm that destroyed more than 3,000 homes, 25 people died in that fire storm. the thought is that this metal could be targeted as something to sell for grap, hurtful for someone who lost someone. the committee who maintains it is hoping that the tape will provide some clue into who did this. they are trying to raise about $5,000 to maintain their
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security system and also repair the sculpture. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> volunteers across the bay are stepping out trying to protect the community. in antioch shoppers were treated by men dressed in white shirts who walked them to their cars. they are trying to fill the gap. crime is up in many bay area cities but in antioch aggravated assault almost doubled over last year. the city reaches 54 aggravated assaults a month a 45% increase. at the same time the number of arrests have dropped. the city leaders say they can use all of the support that they can get. >> two robberies over the weekend are prompting police to issue a warning. one victim was held up at gunpoint and the other robbed after they responded to different car ads on craiglist. last week a couple was held up in a similar incident.
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police say you should neat seller at a public place and bring a cashier's check instead of cash. >> mayor quan could be in trouble with the law. authorities to put the police department under control. they want kwan the a show up for a deposition. the attorneys asked her to be placed in contempt of court if she does not show. she was supposed to be at a deposition on thursday but said she had to attend a special council meeting instead. they are trying to place her under federal control. >> 5:06. mother nature is going to cooperate with us for our labor day plans and any plans you may have. we'll break it down. >> good morning. depends on where you live. might be too hot for a barbecue in concord later on. close to 100 degrees. pretty hot but the beauty of the bay area, you only travel 30,
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maybe 100 miles to the coast and you drop by 30 degrees in some cases. it's 64 in fairfield. 65 in sunnyvale and we'll see winds pick up. if you are planning on hitting the beach make sure you're ready for the wind. you might want to tie anything down if you have a picnic. a lot of people will be outdoors. here's how it works. at 5:00 p.m. turning gusty especially at the coast. we have very little winds, it's the opposite. very light nins to dense fog you might find drizzle. we're not exselecting mostly cloudy inland. the marine layer will not make it past the bay bridge. 96 degrees later on inland. 80 bay side. and then a steady drop-off. ready to go in my next report. first if you have to go the work today, our hearts not only go
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out to you, anthony is here to help you. >> i am. thank you. you know we have an accident in the east bay that's not slowing traffic but it's on 68 at pacheco avenue and then also in the north bay one southbound at todd avenue, still slow if you are making plans to head into the city to see lanes flow, the out bay is interesting to point out we're starting to see traffic pick up on 17ç going t los angeles. also one quick note, at the dumbarton bridge will remain closed until tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. >> thank you. britain's prince andrew for charity, how is he doing, this how about this, the prince rappelling down london's tallest skyscraper. he started under the top of the 1,000-foot skyscraper tower. not for the feint of heart.
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the prince was one of 40 that completed that, raising money for educational charities and trust fund. forget about the energy drinks. that's how to get your adrenalin flowing. >> tough guy. possible relief at the pump. why prices may go down. >> plans to give relief in some college students following short. we'll tell you what went wrong. >> trying to keep our troops alive. >> there is a live look over san jose in the early morning. sun comes up. still park throughout but the lights look good. we'll have a warm day ahead. >> for the latest news, traffic, and weather check us out on facebook. i just logged on. we'll get him him logged on soon enough.
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and more. so do something nice for it. chevron with techron. care for your car.
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within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. ♪ nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. now try our new crunchy dark chocolate peanut butter bar.
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>> good morning. say hello to gabriel at the helm there. this is in our control booth where all of the magic happens. thanks so much. 5:12. syria's leaders are warned to not use chemical weapons in its civil war. today france's foreign minister says syria should expect a tough massive response from the west if the weapons are used against civilians. >> president obama recently called similar warnings a red line for the us tuesday attack the mideast country. syria's government said it could use chemical or biological weapons only if it's attacked by outside forces. >> also overseas american forces suspending the training of new recruits in afghanistan so they
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can focus on screening the current 16,000-member force. this after a string of violence by insurgents. a total of 45 nato service members died this year because of insider shooting. that's when insurgents pose as members of the afghan police and then turn and open fire on western troops. among those killed in such an attack, captain matt ien. he was on his fourth tour when an insurgent disguised as an afghan police officer shot and killed him and two other marines at a security check point august 10th. the rescreening process is expected to last about a month. >> desmond tutu wants tony blair and george bush prosecuted for the invasion in iraq. 18 a piece for the observer newspaper, he says the ex-leaders of britain and the u.s. should be made to, quote, answer for their actions.
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he says that the iraq war destabilized and polarized the world and that blair and bush fabricated reasons to behave like play ground bullies. blair says tutu is repeating criticisms of the war. >> the weekend death of a fresno state student. phillip dannon died and his mother says he suffered severe brain damage after a night of drinking at a fraternity party. the national chapter has suspended its fresno state chapter following news of the death. >> a plan to cut tuition for california college students is on hold. the bill would have funded scholarships for middle class students by raising taxes on out of state companies but perez was not able to get enough republicans on board and the deal fell through just hours before the legislative session ended. the bill would have raised $1 billion in taxes to be used for
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scholarships. >> 5:14. a little earlier meteorologist christina loren talking about barbecue and hot dogs. sounds like mother nature is agreeing. >> temperatures are going to be close to averages today which is unusual for a holiday. usually we're dealing with extremes as mother nature would have it. but today temperatures are hot in the east bay but perfect at the coast. so, if you've been making plans maybe for the past couple weeks to hit the beach, you really lucked out. temperatures are going to be in the 70s, even in pacifica. throughout the afternoon today, though, kind of hot in livermore. up to 100 degrees. we do have a dense fog advisory in place. your temperatures are crisp. if you want to go for a run, a walk because you do have the day off you'll be able to do so until about noon in concord when temperatures climb. it all works like this.
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through the next 48 hours, high pressure is in control so it's going to be on the warm side. we get to your seven-day forecast you'll see we drop off every day all the way through the upcoming weekend. a little bit of a cool breeze. going to be warm again. but temperatures won't be too bad. we're not talking about anything above 100 degrees. 97 in livermore, about 85 in redwood city, 86, not too shabby in san jose, and 80 in santa cruz, yes, 17 is going to be jam-packed. anthony pointed out will's quite a few commuters trying to get a really early start on that drive over the hill. what are we looking at. >> that area near los gatos that is starting to jam up. in the east bay a slow go as you make your way across 680. pacheco drive -- hard for me to say. all right. i'm getting it.
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101, southbound area out toward napa you can see this is near santa rosa. millbrae avenue slow at todd so yes, that accident continues to get clear. you can see once again as we're talking about the south bay, slow go there. showing you the outside images you can see from our foster city skycam. let's take to you palo alto, some construction going on in the northbound side. a heads up there. also the bay bridge toll plaza. things moving along as i'm sure they will. >> thanks. 5:17. in south bay check points are netting fewer drink drivers than last year. this is video here from a check point in san jose saturday night. law enforcement officers arrested 294 people for driving under the influence over the last 16 days. the crackdown will continue through tonight.
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last year the number for the same period was 373. that's a difference of almost 80 arrests. >> in the wake of hurricane isaac oil crews now returning to their rigs and production platforms but a quarter of those are unstaffed this morning. it's expected to take a few days to restore production there. workers remain evacuated from a total of 48 rigs. >> a new world record for hot dog eating champion joey chestnut only he left the hot dogs behind and devoured chicken wings in buffalo, new york. he scarfed down 191 wings in 12 minutes beating the old record of 183 wings, that was set last year. chestnut won his sixth eating contest on july 4th. >> a chicken wing hat.
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did you see that. okay. it was a goofy looking hat. 5:19. a new health warning for students at one bay area university. >> plus, you see her every week day here on nbc bay area. now one of our day time stars is poised to get a star of her own. >> nice. this is a nice shot of the bay bridge. the lights bouncing off the water. get your morning started on this holiday, labor day.
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>> welcome back everybody. how's this for a little labor day party. kind of like that guy. >> yes. i'm a big fan. >> this is from new york city. it's "30 rock" plaza. match box 20 getting tuned up.
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talking it over before they rock the place. looking forward to that on the "today" show. 5:21. registration for this year's susan g. komen race for the cure is down almost 50%. the race this sunday along san francisco's embarcadero, you may recall the organization sparked outrage nine months ago refusing to fund planned parenthood, one day later it denounced that move. donations to the local chapter also down by nearly 65% this year. >> a health warning for students at san francisco state university. they may be at risk for contracting chicken pox after two students were diagnosed with the chicken pox. the first student with chicken pox visited campus monday and wednesday and was in the book store. the second student lived on campus and visited several buildings on friday including creative arts, ethnic studies, the library and student services. >> 5:22.
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match box 20 doing it in new york. christina loren is here to tell us what it's like weather wise. >> i think it's exciting enough that we're here and you joined us this morning. the fact that you're up right now you don't have to go to work, you chose to be with us, we really tip our hats to you. 96 degrees inland. 80 degrees bayside. at the coast about 70 degrees in the heat of the day. we're talking fantastic beach conditions. we've got a giants game in town. starts at 1:00. we'll have that forecast. you have tickets to the game, you're going to get treated with gorgeous weather. let's find out how your drive is shaping up. there were four cars when i hit the road and two were police officers. >> there are about four cars and all four were police officers when i was driving in. for me i was sober. we're talking about 17, that is starting to jam up as you head into los gatos to santa cruz. headed there later get a full tank of gas. east bay, 680, headed into the
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north bay, that is slow because of an accident there and also in the north bay, 101 southbound remains slow at todd avenue. so heads up there. marla. >> thank you. are you an ellen fan? ellen degeneres will be immortalized later today. she will get her own star on hollywood's walk of fame. organizers are even hinting there will be dancing during the ceremony because, as you know, ellen is known to always bust a move before each episode of her talk show. fellow talk show host jimmy kimmel will speak at the event. >> she electrifies crowds. one of the biggest parties. they amp it up. >> she does brighten our mood. >> she does. and she's funny. she's made -- >> i think we should start the dancing trend. >> i'm all for it. go ahead. >> cue the music.
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>> she will. >> 5:24. i want to see you do it on the show. still to come a pair of california delegates sent home from the democratic national convention. we'll explain. >> people heading to the east bay to march against an oil company. >> a community gathering to pay tribute to a south bay firefighter fighting for his life. >> here is a live look, this is san francisco, kind of an eerie shot. a little wind as you can see from the flag flapping and the haze, the low clouds. we'll get a full look at the forecast when we come back. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye.
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have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. since then, there's been one wedding, 2 kids, and 43 bottles of olay total effects. so in spite of 185 tantrums 378 pre-dawn starts and a lot of birthdays, caroline still looks amazing. thanks to the trusted performance of olay you can challenge what's possible. 60 years, millions of women, real results. >> a memorial put up after the 1991 oakland hills fire storm is vandalized over the weekend. it's not the first time. we'll show you the damage and what's being done to fix it.
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>> reporter: i'm bob redell. we'll take you here to show you how the local community is responding to the recent spike in violence in san jose. that story coming up. >> and unofficially it is the end of summer. good labor day morning to you. temperatures are going to be warm for your outdoor activities, then big time changes around the corner. we'll talk it all over in your full forecast. >> making plans to head to santa cruz, heads up, 17 is slow. we'll have the forecast or rather your traffic commute coming up in a little while. >> and as we wait for sun to rise over san francisco, we'll give you a live look there, looks like the darkness turning the city into gotham city on this holiday, monday, september 3rd, this is "today in the bay." >> good morning. thanks for waking up with us. just about 5:29. i'm marla tellez in for laura
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garcia-cannon. >> and i'm jon kelley. good morning. we're following two developing stories out of southern california. first, a fast-moving wild fire forced more than 12,000 people to evacuate campsites this weekend. the so-called williams fire started yesterday in the san gabriel mountains, very much close to a camp ground there, the fire has grown about five square miles and sending a huge cloud of smoke that is visible from many parts of the los angeles basin. so far no reports or damage reported. second, there is a minor earthquake in the greater los angeles area this morning, the usgs says it's a 3.2 magnitude and it was centered in beverly hills. the police spokesman says just about every alarm in the city is going off but the patrol officers there say there are no signs of structural damage. >> vandals left their mark on a sculpture that honors the lives and homes lost in the 1991
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oakland hills fire and this is not the first time they targeted this sculpture. christie smith has a look at what's being done. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, marla. you do have to wonder what someone is thinking when they do something like this. this isn't the first time. it's the third time that someone has damaged this memorial sculpture. if you can pan over here, someone cut five metal poles off the structure. this happened even though it's pretty obvious that they have got security cameras up near the whole thing. the committee that maintains the oakland hills sculpture is hoping that the cameras might provide a clue to whoever did this. more than 3,000 homes were lost in the 1991 fire, 25 people died. again, some time over the weekend vandals cut the metal off of theç cup tur which represents trees and redproth
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after the fire storm. in the past the committee said that vandals may be trying to sell some of this for scrap but it's disheartening for the families who suffered through the fire storm. what's happening is that the committee is trying to raise $5,000 to maintain their security system and also to repair the sculpture. reporting live, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> the family of a san jose firefighter who suffered a heart attack last week fighting a fire says he is now making some progress. dozens of friends and family have been holding a vigil for 41-year-old frank ryan outside of regional medical center every day since last thursday. ryan remains in critical but stable condition. yesterday about 75 people holding a prayer vigil for ryan giving thanks to all first responders who every day risk their lives to help others. >> these men and women put their lives on the line so if you call 911, they're there. they call for the church, we wanted to be there too, show
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them the love and support they show us. >> ryan's family releasing a statement, quote, frank is progressing in a positive way. we're taking it one day at a time given the circumstances surrounding his condition. >> there are also prayers for frank ryan at st. patrick's cathedral in san jose, the church where he almost died. forthan 200 packed the gym at the church's school where they had to hold sunday mass because the main church was so heavily damaged by thursday's fire. >> this is their church, their family and where they come every sunday to worship and be with each other as a community. so, the church is no longer but the community remains very strong. >> the cause of the fire is still under investigation. there is no estimate on when repairs will be complete. >> a south bay residents are fed up with a spike in deadly violence and are taking to the streets with a message of piece.
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bob redell is live with more on that march and the message that participants hope to send out. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jon. this is a community's way of saying they are tired of the spike in violence here in san jose. a city that has witnessed several homicides over a very short period of time. the march begins later this morning here at the safe way store. this is the location of the 31st homicide. you might recall a 27-year-old man attacked a man in the store with a knife. he ended up stabbing that man in the chest. he was 24, ended up killing him. that was the eighth time someone was murdered in the city limits over an 11-day period. >> for san jose to make -- just to bring focus on the violence that's been plaguing or city and
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we just want to get the youth out there and the community throughout and show them that we can work together. >> reporter: that was one of the organizers of the march. the march organized by regular people who live around here fed up with this spike in violence. they want the word out that they don't want this to happen. that march at 11:00 this morning, that the safeway at story and white, ending up at lake cunningham. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> protesters angry over that refinery fire, they spend the day rallying. the fire sent several to the hospital and sparked lawsuits. what they want is for energy industry to be nationalized and run under labor and community control. event speakers include cindy sheehan and the vice presidential candidate for the peace and freedom party. the protest starts at 10:30 at
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point richmond washington park. >> it is monday, also labor day. a holiday. that's why christina has a few things going. >> i've got the shrimp forç yo. marla is more healthy so some asparagus for her. maybe you're rolling out of bed, you don't have to go to work, well stay in bed. it's comfortable out there. the cooler it is the easier you sleep. temperatures are crisp. 5:35. over san francisco we have low clouds and we saw quite a bit of clear sky above those low clouds. what's happening is that marine layer is getting to the surface, there is drizzle along the coast or head down the coast line you'll likely have to use your wipers. temperatures are crisp. i want to point out the story for today, that is clearing conditions. between now and about 8:00 a.m. over the bay not making its way m land. by noon look at this, clear, even san francisco getting sunshine as of noon.
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all that fog and low cloud cover stays offshore. so we've got a great looking day shaping up by the water, 65 at the coast at noon, up to 70 degrees at 4:00 am. your full forecast reveals changes around the corner so we'll talk you through those. first we want to wake up with anthony. >> hey, kiel keep an eye on 17 to santa cruz. it's past los gatos some of the yellow has started to show up. there is a little bit of a congested area. but otherwise no big concern. in the east bay, slow over to the north bay, also 101 has been cleared. the accident just southwest santa rosa right at todd avenue. it's still showing slowing so use caution as you approach that area. back to you. >> thank you very much. caltrans has been hard at work.
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instead of making progress on the bridge retrofit. it sounds like a joint very smoothly. the project is on pacefinish by 5:00 tomorrow in time for the rush. the new joint can withstand stronger earthquakes. crews are taking advantage of the shutdown to knock out other improvements. >> we've been able to do reconfigurecation on the carpool lane and now it's open for last track. before only during carpool hours. new the entire day for fast track use. >> patching electrical fixtures and installing a cushion. if you need actually to get over bridge, go around and try to use the other side. before tomorrow the best bet is use the san mateo bridge. the democratic national convention kicks off tomorrow but this morning the all-star
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lineup has been announced. >> welcome home. how about a ticker tape parade for the little league heroes. >> a live look, a nice shot, look at all of the lights off in the distance. a gorgeous morning upon us on this labor day. 5:38.
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>> welcome back. a suicide bomber used hundreds of pounds of explosives to destroy a government vehicle in pakistan. officials say at least two pakistanis were killed and 19 hurt including two americans. look at this video. the attack happened in northwest
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pakistan after the government vehicle left the u.s. consulate. the area has been hit with bombings in recent years. >> moving to politics, democrats gearing up for their own convention this week, president obama out on the road fighting back against claims he's done nothing to create jobs. tracie potts is live in charlotte where it's going to be happening. she is there with some of the big names making headlines in the week-long event. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, including mayor antonio villaraigosa who will be a speaker. before we get into the convention, president obama is still on the campaign trail hitting some battle ground states. let's talk a little about those states that he's hitting including colorado. that's where the president was yesterday. president obama talking about
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the republicans saying that they offered new solutions but didn't really give any at their convention. moving on the president will be in ohio today, traditionally presidents do that on labor day. he will be with union members there. and then he'll go to louisiana to visit storm victims and to make a statement there later before coming here the president will speak at the stadium on thursday. meantime, mitt romney took the day off on sunday, he had paul ryan out refuting what the president was saying, ryan saying there is no way this president can run on his record, that record is exactly what democrats will be talking about when they begin their meeting here tomorrow afternoon. live from charlotte, tracie potts for "today in the bay." >> thank you very much. two california delegates were sent home for unruly behavior down at the democratic national convention. the pair arrived early yesterday morning and police say they were
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drunk when they got there. one of them actually passed out in a hotel lobby, and his companion got into an argument with paramedics. despite that the 700-member california delegation will caucus this morning hearing from house minority leader nancy pelosi. >> it appears governor jerry brown is game for a cross country rivalry with chris christie. >> i hereby challenge governor christie to a three-mile race, a push-up contest, and a chin-up contest. >> christie fired the first shot last week telling delegates at the republican national convention that brown was a quote, old retread. brown initially dismissed the comments and said he would take the high road but in the speech to union members brown changed tactics challenging christie as you heard, to a fitness contest. >> looking for flex appeal. president obama will survey the damage in new orleans from hurricane isaac later on today.
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that storm long gone but parts of the city you can see still very much under water this morning. city officials now considering additional evacuations in the areas. they are also concerned about nearby river rising could crest later on today. isaac has not stopped everything down there. the key west brew fest continues going on about 2,000 people stuck around the keys to take part in that festival. it features 140 different beers, ales and micro brews. apparently a lot of leis to go with it. >> good looking socks too. >> meteorologist christina loren, i think jon got distracted. >> like the tube socks with beer down the side. >> it's labor day, we can enjoy. that's right. what's going to feel good later on if you live in the east bay t
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air conditioner. if you have the day off and you want to hit the beach, spectacular. look at this. earlier, jon, you said this looks like the opening of a cool movie. i concur. that is a fantastic live shot. taking you out to san francisco and you can see the low clouds. you see science happening right here right now at 5:45 in the bay area. high pressure is forcing what we do have in terms of marine layer to the surface. let's show you the golden gate bridge. we have reduced visibility even with the little formation of the marine layer what we do have is driving your visibility down to a quarter mile. we have a steady drizzle at the coast. it's not going to last long. you saw that min marine layer. temperatures are going to be very warm because we don't have much. 55 in livermore. 59 in san jose. and 54 in san francisco. staying hot and tomorrow's high pressure stays in control of our forecast. throughout the next couple days we're talking about 90s, mid to
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upper 90s. no triple digits in the forecast for today. tuesday will take temps down a touch but nice and hot. so what that means for you if you live at the coast, phenomenal weather today. look at your at&t park forecast. if you've got tickets see those giants hopefully winning again, they beat the cubs, 71 degrees at 2:00 p.m. it's going to be spectacular. bring your shades, bring your sun screen and of course your giant spirit. as we head throughout the afternoon your highs work like this. helping you make the outdoor plans in san jose, 86 degrees, 81 in fremont, 74 degrees in san francisco. the 7-day tells the story. a steady increase starting with 97 monday and ending at 83 degrees on sunday. now, trying to get out the door, a lot of people have to work. we're in that boat. anthony is here to help. >> thank you. we're watching the peninsula area now. coming off the san mateo bridge i would suspect that's extra
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traffic because the dumbarton is closed and slows coming off of the san mateo bridge at foster city working through the highland area. toward 680 in the east bay that accident has been cleared but it starts to slow over to the north bay. los gatos through santa cruz, an area we're going to watch as folks head outto the beach. headed to the city if you have the day off doesn't look like we have issues but we'll keep you posted. back to you. >> sounds good. 5:47. how about the oakland athletics trying to make it ten straight 18 row. they take on the de vigs rival l.a. angels this afternoon. that starts at 1:05 at the oakland coliseum. they weren't giving out bobble heads but it was sammer time. they crushed the red sox, outswinging 33-5.
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tied with the second best record in the american league. >> the giants are home getting ready to start a series with the arizona diamondbacks. they beat the cubs yesterday ending their six-game road trip with one loss. today's game is at 1:05. bruce bochy is not pulling punches when it comes to one of the star players, number 48. pablo needs to lose weight. the injuries have not helped him keep his weight down. he said sandoval has proven when he's slimmer he hits the ball harder. >> celebrations for the petaluma national league team is going on. ♪ >> the party keeps going more than 15,000 turning up in downtown petaluma to salute the
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home team as marla bounces to the music. 13 boys were one win away from making an appearance in the world series title game. they did finish third. oakland ended up ending high. people enjoyed what they saw. the the celebration was something they will never forget. >> we're so proud of the boys and telling you these guys are pros. >> it's crazy. you can't compare this to anything else. >> hard to imagine how cool that feels. the team was awarded a key to the city. the players also guest of honor at friday's oakland a's home game. that was a thrill too. >> they got a ride home in the stretch limos. 5:49. apple getting ready to take
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another shot at samsung. >> if you don't like standing in line there is an app for that. >> here is a live look at the home of the san jose sharks. it's 5:50. here you go little man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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>> that was rob thomas. there they are. talk about a party out at "30
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rock," that's how they do it. this is one of the times i wish i had a camera here on the set so you can see during the commercials. marla tellez bouncing and rocking with the crew. >> impossible not to. >> $1 billion in damages is apparently not enough for apple. the tech giant is now going after more samsung products. in a court filing apple added four more samsung products itç claims infringed on apple patents bringing the list to 21. the latest products were released after august of last year and include the samsung galaxy s 3. last month a jury ruled that samsung copied critical features of the iphone and ipad and awarded apple more than $1 billion in damages. apple has boosted its lead in the race to take over the tablet computer market. research firm isupply reports that apple shipped 7 out of
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everily 10 tablets sold. apple commanding 69% of the market up from 58% during the first three months of the year. coming in at two, samsung, followed by amazon. >> if you love shopping but hate waiting in line there is is good news as the largest retailer is trying to speed things up. walmart testing a new system which allows shoppers to use their smart phones to scan items as they shop, download and app and get it done. when you're done the app will transfer the list to a checkout counter. you won't be able to pay using this app. it was to help make scanning easier. walmart says the app will reduce labor costs. >> if coffee isn't giving you the boost, check this out at taco bell a new breakfast soda. it's a mixture of mountain dew plus orange juice.
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analysts say the company is trying to feed off the popularity of all of the energy drinks, the soda now part of taco bell's new breakfast lineup. taco bell joining a list of fast food chains which offer those morning sodas and breakfast drinks. >> isn't it the most caffeine. >> i don't know the last time i had one. meteorologist christina loren, how's it going? you are always naturally energized. >> happy. happy. >> happy's good. >> you know, i feel blessed, lucky to work with you two every morning and thanks for waking up with us. we have a lorgeous day, everyone getting the typical outdoor activity. you can make the plans for things that you associate with labor day, water sports, even if you want to stay indoors and get cleaning taken care of it's not too hot. 80 degrees at the coast, 70 degrees i know where i'll be adding to the traffic around the
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shopping mauls getting a deal. >> talk about shopping with me. let's keep it all clear. we're talking about the north bay now. 101 southbound at santa rosa, there is an accident in that location, it's not causing tress slowdowns because there's not too many on the road but as you head into the area keep in mind you may run into traffic hazards. it looks like we're looking at a slow go off of the san mateo bridge but no accidents to report there. >> thanks. 5:56. a year after being placed on probation for drawing too many people the burning man festival is wrapping up today with the crowd well under the federal cap. the festival's peek attendance was 52,300 on friday, down almost 2% from last year and
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well under the daily cap of 60,900. the agency placed organizers on probation and threatened to pull their license for exceeding the attendance limits last year. >> today is the last day to ride that ride on the board walk which will be dismantled and shipped to a park in new mexico. replace it the undertow. it has a spinning seat that changes depending on the weight and position for riders. you expect a different appearance. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day,
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within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. ♪ nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. now try our new crunchy dark chocolate peanut butter bar.
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>> coming up on "today in the bay," someone is stealing from the oakland hills fire memorial. we'll tell you what they are taking


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